Monday, January 19, 2009

I have heard the saying "FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION" and I was thinking about that this morning. Of course failure isn't an option. It's not like it's on a menu and we're thinking " hmm that success sure does look great, but I think I'll stick to my usual-failure- besides, I might not like that success and it' a little expensive-yep, waitress, I choose FAILURE"
Who the h&** would CHOOSE failure? Maybe it's fate or karma or something other worldly like that..maybe IT CHOOSES YOU!!
Either way, I'd like to OPT OUT!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Name is Amy and I'm a ......

Dog Fart Sniffer. Apparently, anyway.
I'm sitting here on the chaise playing with this giant torpedo like Nerf Dart
that Lil Bo shot me with a few minutes ago. I hold it up to my it's a telescope and smell this horrific stench. I scrunch my nose up and think " gross, this thing smells like a dog fart". I just can't believe I start sniffing the whole thing..end to end with the stench getting stronger. It's nasty. The whole time, I'm thinking...WHY does this thing stink??? What is it made of that is different from those little non lethal darts? Is this one in fact a "stink torpedo". It hasn't smelled this way before...and I've been hit quite a few times. The guys think it's funny to make my butt a target. I don't. Anyway..this dart is smelling worse and worse by the minute and then....I start to wonder just exactly where the dog is.
I found him. Sitting right beside the chair..just out of sight. I find that it wasn't the dart after all. The world of Nerf is just fine and kids everywhere will be safe from toxic fumes. That's right, folks. I'm not just a stinky dart smeller...oh fact.. I'M A DOG FART SNIFFER. Could there be anything worse? I have yet to find it.
Today is one of those days that I wish I was crafty.
I, along with Lil Bo, finished hanging the border in the guest/poker room today.
Most days it will just be the "poker room" for Bobby and his friends to play in. When we have guests, we'll remove the poker table and put the bed back in there-with matching bedding, of course. The boys needed a their own room, though. They were taking over my living room / kitchen area and I often had to seek refuge in my bedroom.
So, we rearranged the room so that the poker table would fit as well as have enough room for them to easily move around. The last poker table was ginormous and I assume the next one will be, too. Bobby has built a few of them, but always ends up selling them. He'll be working on his own soon and I've taken into account the colors and design he'll be using.
The walls are painted and the border is up. Now what? I'd like to add some posters or wall art of some kind. I don't have a large budget, so I'd like to make something myself. The problem is that I just don't have any good ideas.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The First One

I would like to start this blog by telling you a few things I have learned over the past year and just maybe, one day, you'll find them helpful, too.
1. Honesty is NOT always best policy.
No matter what your mama told you, Honesty is NOT always the best policy.
I've lived by this honesty is the best policy rule for so long and I must say, it hasn't really gotten me too far. If you think about it, our parents were not always honest with us. Do you remember the drawings you used to do for them and they'd always say how beautiful they were and how talented you were? Really? You were 4. Who's going to tell a 4 year old that the pic she drew of a cat really looks like 57 lines in 13 colors and there is no resemblance to a cat whatsoever?! So much for talent, Mom. I still can't draw a cat. I can't even draw Hello Kitty's big head. I can't draw ANYTHING for that matter.
Example number 2. What about when our mom's or grandma's would wear a new dress to some party...they'd get a compliment and shrug it off with"this ol' thing" even though she'd cut the tags off only an hour before. PSH. Honesty.

2.You should'nt always play by the rules.
It depends on whose rules you're playing by and what kind of game you're playing. As I'm finding out, it's far more important to play the game rather
than worry about the rules. As a matter of fact, when playing the Game Of Life, I always end up barefoot and pregnant with a station wagon full of little pink and blue pegs. I have one child and can't have another without some really stout drugs. So WTH?

That's all I have for the moment, but I'm sure I'll think of many more life lessons for ya.