Thursday, January 8, 2009

The First One

I would like to start this blog by telling you a few things I have learned over the past year and just maybe, one day, you'll find them helpful, too.
1. Honesty is NOT always best policy.
No matter what your mama told you, Honesty is NOT always the best policy.
I've lived by this honesty is the best policy rule for so long and I must say, it hasn't really gotten me too far. If you think about it, our parents were not always honest with us. Do you remember the drawings you used to do for them and they'd always say how beautiful they were and how talented you were? Really? You were 4. Who's going to tell a 4 year old that the pic she drew of a cat really looks like 57 lines in 13 colors and there is no resemblance to a cat whatsoever?! So much for talent, Mom. I still can't draw a cat. I can't even draw Hello Kitty's big head. I can't draw ANYTHING for that matter.
Example number 2. What about when our mom's or grandma's would wear a new dress to some party...they'd get a compliment and shrug it off with"this ol' thing" even though she'd cut the tags off only an hour before. PSH. Honesty.

2.You should'nt always play by the rules.
It depends on whose rules you're playing by and what kind of game you're playing. As I'm finding out, it's far more important to play the game rather
than worry about the rules. As a matter of fact, when playing the Game Of Life, I always end up barefoot and pregnant with a station wagon full of little pink and blue pegs. I have one child and can't have another without some really stout drugs. So WTH?

That's all I have for the moment, but I'm sure I'll think of many more life lessons for ya.


  1. Look forward to the lessons :) Great first post! Love ya

  2. I love the first post. Yes, I’m ready to hear the many more life lessons that you have for us. They were so true and funny. My mama always pulled this “this ol thing” too….haha. What liars! :-)
